Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 22 June 2023
Minutes of the meeting of Scredington Parish Council
Thursday 22nd June 2023
Councillors R. Johnson (Chairman), A. Pywell (Vice Chairman), I. Metcalfe, John Johnson and J.Dixon (Clerk).
Chairmans Welcome.
The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance at this extraordinary Parish Council meeting, called to allow completion of the AGAR within the timescale.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillor karen Sweeney .
- To receive and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Record
- The Internal auditors report was received and accepted; proposed by Cllr J Johnson and seconded by Cllr I. Metcalfe.
- The annual governance statement was received, approved and signed. Proposed by Cllr A Pywell and seconded by Cllr J Johnson.
- The accounting statement for the last financial year was received, approved and signed. Proposed by Cllr I Metcalfe and seconded by Cllr A Pywell.
- Matters affecting the Village.
Chairman Cllr Richard Johnson gave an update that the picnic tables have arrived for the playing field and will be erected as soon as is convenient.
Cllr R Johnson has also been in conversation with the ‘Monkey Challenge’ a company that makes climbing walls for playgrounds. Further information will be provided at the next meeting.
It was advised that Roll and Scroll the company that are making the commemorative bench to the late Raymond Bell, are able to produce a Cricket theme for the bench.
Meeting Closed at 8:00pm