Minitues of the Parich Council Meeting on 17th June 2024

Minutes of the meeting of Scredington Parish Council held on Monday 17th June 2024 starting at 7.30pm

Present: Councillors R. Johnson Chairman, A. Pywell Vice-Chairman and  I. Metcalfe; P. Griffiths (parish clerk)

Chairman’s welcome.

Councillor R. Johnson Chairman welcomed everyone.

Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillors J. Johnson and K. Sweeny.

1.         To agree and sign the compulsory AGAR form to allow the meeting of the deadline set by the external auditor.

3.1       The Internal auditors report was received and accepted; proposed by Cllr A, Pywell and seconded by Cllr I. Metcalfe.

3.2       The annual governance statement was received, approved and signed. Proposed by Cllr A Pywell and seconded by Cllr I. Metcalfe.

3.3       The accounting statement for the last financial year was received, approved and signed. Proposed by Cllr I. Metcalfe and seconded by Cllr A. Pywell.

2.         To discuss and agree transfer of ownership and responsibility of some items to Scredington Community Centre.

            It was agreed to transfer the ownership of the

Gala Temt and Lining

Playgroup Toys

Commemorative Bench

Picnic Table

to Scredington Community Centre. Proposed by Cllr A. Pywell and seconded by Cllr R. Johnson. The Clerk was instruction to write to the Centre about this.

3.         To agree a deprecation strategy for each fixed asset.

            The following fixed assets of the Council (after the transfer of those items transferred in item 2 above) were discussed:

            3.1       Allotments – value £1,000 – no depreciation

            3.2       Defribrillator – 20% depreciation per year

            3.3       Lawn Mower – 20% depreciation per year

            3.4       Bus Shelter – 2% depreciation per year

5.         Resignation

            Cllr I. Metcalfe tendered his resignation as a Councillor

5.         Date of the next meeting has been set for 2nd September 2024

The Meeting closed at 8.20pm.