March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Scredington Parish Council held on Wednesday 10th March 2021 7.30pm via zoom


Present: Councillors R. Johnson (Chairman) J. Johnson,  I. Metcalfe and N. Mason.

Councillor Pywell arrived at 7.50pm

No public present.

1. Chairman’s welcome.

Councillor R. Johnson, Chairman, welcomed everyone.

Public forum. No members of the public attended.

2. Apologies:

a. None had been received as all Councillors were in attendance with Councillor Pywell informing of his late arrival.

3. Declarations of interest according to the Localism Act 2011.

a. None received.

4. Notes of the general meeting held on 9th December 2020 be approved as the minutes.

a. It was resolved by all to accept these minutes as a true recording of the meeting.

5. County and District Council reports:

a. In the absence of the District Councillor his report had been read out:

The Police and Crime Commissioner and Lincolnshire County Council elections will take place on 6th May 2021.

From March 8th 2021 all Lincolnshire Household Waste and Recycling sites will now be taking all forms of waste on all open days.

Central Government has taken back the £12.5 million they recently promised for highway repairs. At present there are 5000 potholes waiting to be repaired. However, there were 20,000 potholes requiring attention. Highways are still hoping to repair this number before the end of this year.

A15 Highways repairs will be carried out by the Cranwell turnoff, date to be announced but likely to be spring 2021. Dates also to be announced for highway resurfacing from Brauncewell turnoff all the way to the British Crop Driers.

Grant funding windows have opened during March for small businesses.

6. Planning applications:

a. Planning applications that had been received had been commented on accordingly. Copy of this can be found on the District Council website.

7. Finance report:

a. The finance report had been distributed prior to the meeting. It was resolved to accept these figures.

b. To consider the grant application. BeeConnect requested a £50 donation to keep the service going. A vote was taken and it was unanimous to give a £50 donation.

Cheques for signing: £600 to the village Community Centre for this past year’s grass cutting.

£50 to Beeconnect. £1000 for the clerks salary.

It was agreed to ask Mrs J.Cocking to facilitate the internal audit again.

8. Village matters:

a. To receive update on village matters. Clerk asked to remind/report Highways that Church Lane to the junction of Gorse Drove needs resurfacing.

b. To receive update on Parish Church grass cutting. Streetwise had been approached to price up grass cutting for the forthcoming year for the Churchyard. Their price of £700 + vat. This was proposed by Councillor Richard Johnson, seconded by Councillor Metcalfe, a vote was taken and resolved to accept this figure. This figure matched that of the donation given for grass cutting for the community centre as per minutes from the previous meeting.

9. Correspondence: 

a. Correspondence received by the Clerk was included in the agenda.

10. Councillors reports and items for inclusion at the next meeting:

a. Chairman stated that he had received a phone call from the vice chairman Councillor Roy Greenwood of Pointon and Sempringham Parish Council asking that as they employ the same Parish Clerk would they consider sharing the cost. Councillor Johnson wasn’t sure what he was being asked but stated that even though the parish clerk resided in France, this would not be a problem for her to remain as the parish clerk for Scredington Parish Council.

With this in mind, the clerk asked if they wanted her to continue as parish clerk. Councillor Richard Johnson asked each individual Councillor their thoughts and a vote was taken, it was unanimous that the current clerk Mrs Carol Mackenzie remain as their parish clerk.


11. Date of the next meeting has been set for 25th May  2021. This will consist of the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual General Meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.