May 25th minutes
Minutes of the meeting of Scredington Parish Council held on Tuesday 25th May 2021 7.30pm
Present: Councillors R. Johnson (Chairman) J. Johnson, I. Metcalfe, N. Mason and A.Pywell.
No public present.
1. Chairman’s welcome.
Councillor R. Johnson, Chairman, welcomed everyone.
Public forum. No members of the public attended.
2. Apologies:
a. None had been received as all Councillors were in attendance.
Administration and nominations of various officers positions of the parish council.
=Nomination of Chairman: Councillor Richard Johnson was proposed by Councillor Pywell, seconded by Councillor John Johnson, it was resolved that Councillor Richard Johnson remain as Chairman.
=Nomination of Vice-Chairman: Councillor Alan Pywell was proposed by Councillor Richard Johnson and seconded by Councillor Mason, it was resolved that Councillor Pywell remain as Vice-Chairman.
=Nomination of Church representative: Councillor Alan Pywell was nominated by Councillor R.Johnson and seconded by Councillor Mason, it was resolved that Councillor Pywell is the church representative.
=Nomination of Community Centre representative: Councillor Alan Pywell was nominated by Councillor R.Johnson and seconded by Councillor Mason, it was resolved that Councillor Pywell is the Community Centre representative.
3. Declarations of interest according to the Localism Act 2011.
a. None received.
4. Notes of the general meeting held on 10th March 2021 be approved as the minutes.
a. It was resolved by all to accept these minutes as a true recording of the meeting.
5. County and District Council reports:
a. Councillor Andrew Hagues was congratulated by Councillor Richard Johnson on his continued election results.
Councilllor Hagues reported that the roads are in an appalling state and the £2 million covid grants towards repairs roads won’t go very far. Government needs to offer extra monies for all Councils to be able to bring the state of roads to a better condition. Potholes do get reported. Packhorse Bridge signs have been requested and just waiting their arrival.
6. Planning applications:
a. Planning applications that had been received had been commented on accordingly. Copy of this can be found on the District Council website.
7. Finance report:
a. The finance report had been distributed prior to the meeting. It was resolved to accept these figures.
8. Village matters:
a. Councillor Mason reported that the wooden name signs on the fence saying Buttbaulk have been removed. A notice will be replaced asking of any information regarding this.
Culvert is broken in the dip in Church Lane, this has been reported.
Flower bulbs had been purchased by the parish council. It was agreed that an insert into the village magazine asking for help to look after the flowering bulbs.
9. Correspondence:
a. Any correspondence received by the Clerk was included in the agenda.
10. Councillors reports and items for inclusion at the next meeting: None received.
11. Date of the next meeting has been set for 13th September 2021.
12. To resolve whether to go into closed session. Not requested.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm.